Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ghosts of Gardens Past

Nature always finds a way. 

I've spent countless hours and dollars cultivating the ideal environment to grow the veggies and herbs. But sometimes I ask myself if these plants REALLY need the royal treatment.

I bring this up because over the past few weeks, I've noticed a few unexpected additions to the garden. Maybe a better term for them would be "old friends".  They've popped up in the rocks and crevices between my pots. They being tomato and dill plants. My only guess about their emergence can be they grew from seeds of tomatoes dropped by last year's plants. The location of the little plants would suggest so. The dill may have come from the wind blowing seeds off the flowers of last year's dill plant.

Think about it, this is how nature did its thing well before there were any gardens. Tomatoes are simply seed carriers and provide a vehicle to drop those seeds for plants to grow in the future. The dill plant is no different than any dandelion or other weed that uses the wind to spread its offspring.

As cool as this is, I still plucked them with the weeds. Sorry, there's no pension plan or social security in this backyard. I have enough on my plate providing for this year's plants. 

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