Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Good Gardener, Baaaaad Blogger

L-A-Z-Y....I ain't got no alibi, I'm lazy.

It has been almost a year since I dusted the potting mix off my hands (figuratively speaking) and posted on the TGLT blog. Many have asked why I didn't restart the blog this growing season; some asked if I even have a garden this year.

Fear not, the Harlan Farmshare does exist in 2010. No, not as some stupid Facebook game to annoy all my friends. Jeremy found a cuddly rabbit in his carrots. Help Jeremy skin, gut, cut, and braise this rabbit for Sunday stew. Unlike.
The Cherry Tomatoes Look Real Strong This Season

But it's not exactly the extravagant, wide-ranging backyard of crops as before. This year I wanted to return a little more to basics. I planted veggies and herbs I knew were pretty successful in the past. Yes, I did try a couple new things. Some have been a good showing. Some have been an epic fail. Cough...spinach. But all in all, we have our standard tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, basil, rosemary, oregano, etc.

Today does mark a big day because we have our first large tomato ready to be picked. It's a lemon variety. Traditionally yellow in color, I let this first ripen a little longer. So now it's more orange than yellow. Kind of like that traffic light you ran through last week while late for work. It wasn't quite red...but a pretty good ways from yellow.
I promise I'll pick up steam in posting. As long as this insufferable triple-degree heat doesn't stick around all summer, I should have plenty of stuff in the garden to blab about.

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